Friday, January 23, 2015

It's Me!!!!!

Every blog should have an introduction, right?  I'm not sure.  I'm just going to go with it and run.  Cause, hey, why not?!?!?

I always start blogs, but I never finish them.  I start them cause someone out there in blog world has figured out a way to use blogs to write random sh*t and get paid doing it.  And I'm all like "hey, I want on that gravy train."  But I never stick it out.

Why don't I stick it out?  Hmmm, I could say it's because I am a busy stay at home mom with 3 rascally monkey's...but, let's face it.  Almost every blogstress out there is a mother to one or more of her own wild mess makers that she seamlessly tames all while blogging about her latest pinterest craft, making money with said blogs, making a 4 course dinner meal, running errands, and just all in all making it look like the fact that I didn't forget to brush my own teeth today wasn't the immense milestone that it feels like.  The truth is, because I lose interest.  Nothing I could blog about to earn the cold hard cash holds my interest enough to make a go with it.  I'm like a dog who suddenly...


Where was I?  Oh, yeah, blogging for cold hard cash.  Yeah, none of those topics hold my interest for long.  So, I am creating this blog, just this one, for the sole purpose of writing my randomness down.  Who knows, sometimes I may even host a random ramblings from one of my equally random munchkins...cause let's face it, kids say funny sh*t.  And what perfect way to immortalize the hilarious observations of a kid than through the internet?!?!

So, here it is.  My introduction.  I am Kim, Mom, Superhero Extraordinaire (as long as the pinterest loving, blog writing, immaculately manicured, pristine houses mom's aren't in the same room).

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