Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Mommy Bling

So, here's a short story within this story about my parenting style.

I'm considered "that" mom within my circle of mom's.  You know, the crazy one.  The one who feeds their kids organic, grass-fed, GMO free almost everything (except for the random trip to artery clogging McDonald's...but those trips are few and far between, and it is my one granola mom mistake in the food world), wears them, co-sleeps, nurses to know.  I'm the crazy natural mom.

But, I like to think I'm the COOL crazy natural mom.  Meaning I totally don't care if you aren't the natural mom.  Like I could totally have a boob whipping out in my kids mouth while I'm sitting next to you while you cuddle your kid holding a bottle of formula  in their mouth and I can totally talk to you normally without getting into a fight over which way is better.  I totally think whatever type of mom you are, whatever works for you, then it works period.  My way is most definitely not for everyone.

So, yeah, crazy, COOL, somewhat natural mom.  But you'll just ignore the random trips for a big fat juicy, clog your arterial walls Big Macs that I succumb my children to on occasion.

That's why this story may seem a bit surprising to some of you.  So, yeah, I'm that mom, but I totally didn't know about some of this "Mommy Bling" that is going on around the playground these days.  Which is silly cause I have a 1 year old, so it isn't like I've been out of the "Mommy Bling" world for any length of time.

Here's my story of the introduction to "Mommy Bling!!!"

My youngest, Brayton, he's only 1.  He is my heart and my soul.  My baby cakes.  My literal baby.  But he is sooooooooo dang miserable all. the. time.  It is mind boggling how miserable he is.  Nothing in his child rearing has been done differently than the other 2.  He still nurses, he is worn everywhere in a sling or carried.  I still even wipe the kids butt for him if you can believe that.

After a full year of not knowing which way is up with this kid I break down and head to my mommy group.  My mommy group is online, so my responses are like nano-seconds away.  And one of my mommy friends nonchalantly is like "get a Tula."

Like I said, I'm the crazy natural mom, but I'm sitting here thinking to myself on the other side of my computer screen staring at her writing going "What on Earth is a F*ing Tula????????"  Yes, I have the language of a well-educated sailor, and often use it when talking to myself especially.

She posts links of where I can get these said Tula's as well as pictures of her using a Tula.  "Huh, so it's a baby carrier, I got it."

Now, I have a ring sling that can be used well into toddler years.  Especially with my kids cause they weigh like nothing.  But Brayton hasn't been digging it.

I'm told these Tula's can run some major cash.  My mommy friend even tells me, "they will run you $175 and up."  And I'm thinking to myself, that's a lot of cash for a piece of fabric...but I'm a desperate mom.

So, I search her sites and completely fall in love with the Foxy print:

Totally the cutest design ever, right?!?!?

So, I am instantly in love.  You know what that means, right?  OUT OF STOCK!!!!!!

My mommy friend then proceeds to do me a favor...she adds me to this Tula Buy/Trade/Sell group on FB.  Sounds heaven sent right?!?!?

That is until you get the actual cash flow to buy one of these bad boys, and are like:  "hey, the design I want is out of stock, let me see if I can find it USED on this group I'm now magically in.  Magic Tula Group, Magic Tula Group, find me the Foxy Tula I so desire."

I did not find it...but what I did find made my jaw DROP!!!!.  Like I'm 5'6" tall, my jaw dropped 7 feet down.

USED...Not new...USED Tula's were being sold for $350, $400, $450, $500 and more.  Granted, they all had these descriptions (EUC=excellent used condition, VGUC=very good used condition, etc.).  So, from the description, you could tell that, although these pieces of fabric were being used to tote their kids around on their backs, or bellies if they were younger, they were well cared for pieces of fabric.

But, I'm cheap....and poor.  I went to the search engines to find my beloved design that I HAD to have.

Luckily, thanks to the powers that be that are pro "Kim keeping a decent bank account balance", I found said design for a mere $149.

Yeah, I know, I still thought it was a lot of money too.  But, compared to what I was seeing on the USED group, I decided to bring it to my mommy group to "brag" on my find.

I'm told, "yeah, Tula is like the Coach of the mommy world."

Now, I'm not a brandassador.  But, I do know about Coach.  I never got on that train wreck of a ride.  But, I have seen many a friend who has.  And, I think it's great that they have that.  Some people spend lots of money for the tiniest piece of cowhide, and that suits them just fine.

Do you have a Tula?  Is it as Mommy Bling worthy as I'm being led to believe?

From the buy/trade/sell group, it seems by the time I'm done carrying my offspring around, if I keep this thing nearly blemish free, I may be able to pay for all 3 of my kids college tuition from the sale of this thing.

This leaves me to question:  "With the cost of raising a child, why are we spending so much money to purchase a piece of fabric?  Furthermore, why are we paying an exorbitantly higher amount of money for that same USED piece of fabric?"

I don't question the reliability of these Tula's.  They have their purpose for the multitudes of baby wearing momma's, me included.  But.....WOW!!!!  That's all I can really say to the high price tags I have found in the world of the used Tula.

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